What exactly is “FSC certification”?
FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), Forest Stewardship Council, was established in 1993. It is a non-governmental, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting global socially responsible forest management. Promote forest management activities that are environmentally responsible, socially beneficial and economically viable, and advocate the practice of sustainable development that is environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable.
We are committed to our tireless pursuit of health, environmental protection, and technological innovation. Obtaining FSC certification also means that Guilin Dadi has passed chain supervision and confirmation from raw material procurement, warehousing, production to sales, etc., ensuring that the wood comes from a certified forest, that is, from a forest with high quality management and sustainable development , greatly reducing the impact on the environment.
Consumers purchasing wooden clothes hangers certified by FSC International Forest not only make their home life healthier and more environmentally friendly, but also contribute to protecting the ecological environment.
lü's commentaries of history said: "If you exhaust the lake to catch fish, won't you get something? And next year there will be no fish. If you burn the fields, won't you gain something? And next year there will be no beasts." Thoughts all contain a simple and wise view of nature, which still gives people profound warning and inspiration.
In the future, Guilin Dadi will continue to have high standards and strict requirements as always, delivering more high-quality, good-looking, and more environmentally friendly products to the market to meet the ever-escalating consumer needs.